Thursday, December 2, 2010


In August approximately 3 acres of land was purchased just outside of Les Anglais for a new orphanage building!  We are thrilled with this project to give Pastor Ezena, his family, staff and the 20 orphan children a place to call their own.  Construction will begin once a well is drilled; negotiations for this is in the works.

VBS was a huge success. Thank you for all who assisted in this project.  Read the article in the Global NIM October 2010 newsletter by clicking here.

Here is a November photo of Pastor Ezena (far left) and "Crew:"  the staff and children.

Thankfully the group was not impacted by the October Hurrican Tomas.  However, there was much damage in Les Anglais and nearby communities.

The cholera outbreak has not hit this part of the island (SW portion); however, Pastor and his staff are taking proactive steps to educate the children and the community on sanitation and prevention.  Global NIM is assisting in this effort with educational materials.

As we began in March, Global NIM continues to support this group with monthly subsidies for food, clothing, medicines, supplies, etc.  You can assist us in offsetting these costs by sponsoring one of the remaining 10 orphan children ($30/month partial or $60/month full sponsorship) or making a flat donation. 

Your prayers for Haiti are crucial.  Thank you for joining us in making a lifetime of difference in Haiti!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

VBS—Haitian Style!

Remember those magical words when you were a kid? Vacation Bible School! It was a time each summer to eat, learn Bible stories, play, make crafts, learn a new song, complete with hand motions! It was a time to learn about Jesus and his love for you and all of the world.

Pastor Ezena is gearing up for the first VBS held in his home area of Les Anglais, Haiti, on August 23rd—29th. He anticipates at least 230 kids will attend, most of whom are transplants from devastated Port-au-Prince.

Pastor Ezena wrote, “We will need additional funds to provide daily food, Creole Bibles for readers and little ones, prizes and certificates for the program.”

For four hours each day, the cost of this 7-day VBS is roughly $4.00 per child, ($900).
Twenty dollars will ensure 5 kids get to create that prized handicraft, make delightful memories, win one of the various planned races, and quite possibly, meet Jesus.

Pastor Ezena has the crew to make sure this is a memorable VBS for these children who have seen so much turmoil in the last few months.

This is an urgent request, as we cannot support this effort without your prayers and financial help. Thank you for considering this request.

Friday, May 21, 2010

A smile amidst the trials of being parentless

Wow - eight and 1/2 (!) children sponsored since March!  We are grateful for those who are donating a full ($60/mo) or partial ($30/mo) amount to support these dear children.  Our goal is to have all 20 sponsored by the end of the year.  Pass along the word.

Youvika Dieu (4) is one of the youngest members of this newly formed family.  She is "orphaned of her mother and her father is incapable of helping her because of his impoverished situation," per Pastor Ezena.  If you are interested in sponsoring Youvika, please contact us through our website ("contact us" on first page).

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Now the work begins!

In early April, the children and Ezena's family and staff successfully moved to Les Anglais out from the despair of their Port-au-Prince living conditions. 

The children are attending school and playing soccer with local kids and relishing the freedom of playing again.  It was a long 2 1/2 months under the tarpaulin.  We thank God for this new adventure. 

Now the work begins!

We are seeking sponsors for the children at $60/month or $30 for a partial sponsorship.  Because nearly everything is imported into Haiti, things are more expensive than, say, in Africa or India for the childrens' care.  If you have any questions about sponsoring a child, please email us!

Monday, March 22, 2010

God's Plan

Andrew wrote this morning, "Grace a Dieu, je suis maintenant a l'aeroport en attendant le bord d'avion.
I am through security (3 of them) and getting ready to board, praise the Lord!

First there was a plan, then came the modified plan, and finally came God's plan."

Thank you, friends, for taking this journey with Andrew by reading this blog and praying for his trip.  Now that the picture is complete (who, what, where, how, when --- the why was evident), the adventure begins.  As a friend succinctly phrased it, "We've been invited to a front row seat to this development by God, Himself!"  We hope you'll join in the journey with us by your prayers and financial support.

We will report more on the "picture" being painted of Pastor Ezena's orphanage construction project through our monthly newsletters (sign up at, and this blogsite.  Be sure to check back!
Andrew and Daleen

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  Phil 4:6-7


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tender Moments

After saying goodbye to Pastor Ezena, his family and the orphans, Andrew is at Mission of Hope-Haiti for the night with an early morning start planned.  He said he's taking his last, long sponge bath (his seatmate will appreciate that...of course, they were in Haiti, too.....). 

"Pastor, Samy (Pastor's son) and I enjoyed a very close time having lunch under the tarp. We discussed plans for moving, and they were all of one accord, except for some of the children who don't know anything other than Port-au-Prince. Tender moments upon tender moments.

"Pastor Ezena's next step?  Get the whole crew to Anglais by bus and look for high ground for an orphanage/school build.  Many more details to work out in the coming days, but God has made it very clear to me of Global NIM's partnership with this dear Pastor."

It's been an amazing 3+ days. So impossible to believe only 3 days. God has been my guide and strength and everything else that has been prayed for.

In a way I hate to leave.

Haitian Hospitality

"I'm here @ the Champs de Mars with the entire family sitting in the tent house awaiting lunch. I've just handed out the rest of my gifts. (I'll be returning very light.)
The kitchen smells of wood smoke and the food is starting to come to the table. Wow, it all looks so good."